Sunday, October 30, 2016

October 31 - November 4, 2016

Lakeside Lightning,

Turning Dreams Into Reality!

Students in Mrs. Oquendo's room using QR Codes
It is always hard to top awesomeness but we continue to do it here at Lakeside Middle School. This week we learned that our school raised Grand Total $14,260 for our Fall Fundraiser!!! Thank you to everyone who participated and to Mrs. Salvati for her enthusiasm.

We had an awesome Week of Respect last week. On Tuesday we wore RED, on Wednesday we wore Workout gear and on Friday we wore Hats! We had a lot of participation with students and teachers. Be sure to check the pictures from around the school section of the blog.

Our week was capped off with a movie for the PBSIS program. Students with 20 or more Zaps were eligible to watch Ghostbusters in the Auditorium. Thank you to all of the staff and students who support the PBSIS program!

Each month the Cumberland County Reminder is focusing on the great things happening in Millville Public Schools. Of course, Lakeside has been well represented the past two months for all of the community work and learning activities going on around the school. Be sure to check out the Cumberland County Reminder!

Mrs. Cuesta's class on Facebook Live 
Mrs. Cuesta's class have been uising their class Twitter account to connect with authors for our Literacy Initative.

This week, the students participated in a Facebook Live event featuring the authors R.L. Stine, who wrote Goosebumps and Dan Poblocki, who wrote The Nightmarys (which is our 7th grade summer reading).

The students enjoyed the experience and will continue to use Social Media to connect with authors they are reading!

Honoring a Lakeside Legand
Last week Lakeside Middle School hosted Mr. Baruffi's Retirement Party. The event was well attended and we were able to acknowledge Mr. Baruffi for his dedication to the Millville Publich Schools, and specifically Lakeside Middle School! Enjoy your retirement, Mr. Baruffi!
Thank you for everything, Mr. Baruffi! 

Twinning (Great Minds Dress Alike) - Each week we find that we are dressing alike. Keep sending in the photos! 
Mr. "Woot, Woot" Clarke and Mrs. Cuesta

Mrs. Gandy and Mr. Hudson 

Mrs. Diaz and Mrs. Deckert

Pictures from around the school
Workout Wednesday 

QR Codes in Mrs. Oquendo's class 

Dr. Cook was hiking in West Virginia 

Encore PLC with the BEST Workout Wednesday ENERGY! 

Look at our school spirit! 

Workout Wednesday... Social Studies style 

Cross curricular Workout Wednesday! 

Ms. Carroll leading the faculty meeting with Mindfulness 

Mr, Jimenez working with 7th grade teachers 

Workout Wednesday - Math style 

QR Codes with Mrs. Oquendo's class 

Hat Day 

"Woot, Woot" said Mr. Clarke about Hat Day 

Workout Wednesday - We take it serious! 

Hat Day 

Check the hashtags! 

Hat Day! 

Girls Field Hockey - Halloween Style! 

We wear PINK! 

Minute to Win it in Mrs. Gehringer's class 

Minute to Win it in Mrs. Gehringer's class 

Minute to Win it in Mrs. Gehringer's class 

Minute to Win it in Mrs. Gehringer's class 

Hat Day 

Workout Wednesday 

Hat Day 

Chorus kids sporting their hats! 

We are superheros! Courtney has read 8 books and Andrew has read 6!

A brisk walk to End Alzheimer's 

A brisk walk to End Alzheimer's 

Mrs. Oquendo's class using QR codes 

Daily Announcements
Mr. Garrison won the Lightning Round Blog this week! 
The first 6th grade dance of the school year will be held on Friday November 4th  immediately after school from 3:15 to 5 p.m. Dance tickets will be sold starting Monday, October 31. Tickets cannot be purchased without a permission slip. Tickets will be available before homeroom in Y109, G211, Y124, Y100, Y102, and G201.

Student Council's Breast Cancer awareness week- Fact of the Day
 Breast Cancer is not only a Woman's Disease- men can also be diagnosed.

Calling All Piano Players: If you can read music, play the piano, and are interested in joining Lakeside's Band or Jazz Band please see Miss Zeiters in the band room any day this week during homeroom.

Weekly Overview
Monday - A Day - 3D Glasses unveiling, DMC, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Tuesday - B Day - Millville Neighborhood Alliance, DMC, 8:30 AM
Wednesday - A Day -College Shirt Day, Workout Wednesday; AVID Subcommittee meeting, 3:20 PM
Thursday - B Day - Another awesome day at LMS
Friday - A Day - 6th grade dance, 3:20 PM - 5:00 PM

Friday, October 21, 2016

October 24 - 28, 2016

Lakeside Lightning,

Turning Dreams Into Reality

Our Quiz Bowl team with Mrs. Gaudio 
We are very excited to start Red Ribbon/Wellness Week at LMS. On Tuesday we are encouraging everyone to wear RED. On Wednesday, everyone is encouraged to wear Workout gear to symbolize our commitment to wellness. Friday we will be encouraging everyone to wear hats to symbolize putting a "lid" on drugs.

Weekly Announcements
Calling All Piano Players: If you can read music, play the piano, and are interested in joining Lakeside's Band or Jazz Band please see Miss Zeiters in the band room any day this week during homeroom.

Mrs. Gehringer and her students enjoying the Atrium 
The winners of the Respect Poster Contest are in!!

6th Grade:
1st place:  Aleah Rothmaller
2nd place:  Jordan Webster
3rd place:  Jiana Brooks

7th Grade:
1st place:  Julianna Wilson
2nd place:  Mackenzie Thompson
3rd place:  Shania Cox-Patterson

8th Grade:
1st place:  Ashley Sanchez
Students may come to Mrs. Jost's office to collect their prizes!

Spring Musical News
It’s time to guess the title of the spring musical. Every day you will receive a new clue. Place your guesses in the specially marked spot on Mrs. Booz or Mrs. Salvati’s door and correct answers will get ZAPPED. Clue #4 Clue # 4
New York…. Paris, France….. Rome
These are all places I would love to be.
But give me the ocean any ol’ day.
It’s my favorite place...that wonderful sea!

Pictures from around the school
Mrs. Roche being honored at the BOE for years of service 

Mrs. Oquendo being honored at the BOE for years of service 

Mr. Clarke being honored for perfect attendance 

Mrs. Lair being honored for perfect attendance 

Mrs. Hoffman being honored for perfect attendance 

Can you guess what the Spring Musical will be? 

Behind the scenes at the morning announcements

Mrs. Diaz and Mr. Hakola twinning 

We got a visit from Mrs. Rickey and the former Silver Run Sharks were happy to see her 

Dr. Cook taking a bike ride around the school 

Quiz Bowl participants 
Weekly Overview
Monday - B Day - AVID Advisory Board, 3;20 PM
Tuesday - A Day - Wear Red for Red Ribbon Week
Wednesday - B Day - Welleness Wednesday; Dr. Cook and Mrs. Benfer in afternoon PLCs; Staff Meeting, 3:15 PM
Thursday - A Day - Another awesome day at LMS
Friday - B Day - Hay Day; Dr. Cook and Mrs. Benfer in morning PLCs; PBSIS Assembly 2:00 PM