Chefs Anwar and Rebecca working with the AVID students |
Lakeside Lightning,
It's All About Respect at LMS!
This week our AVID students, in partnership with the Millville Neighborhood Alliance and Cumberland County College, learned a few new recipes from the Wellness In Schools Program. Wellness in Schools is a national non-profit that teaches kids healthy habits to learn and live better. They partner with public schools to provide nutrition and fitness education, healthy scratch-cooked meals and active recess periods. Their approach improves student outcomes and drives systemic, long-term change, shifting school cultures.
Did you know that over one-third of children under the age of 18 in the United States are overweight or obese? Children spend about 12,000 hours in school between kindergarten and high school graduation, making schools the ideal environment to shape their wellness behavior. Our students learned about these issues and learned how to make several, easy to prepare healthy meals taught by chefs Rebecca and Anwar who are real Chefs!!!
6th Grade Social Studies Team supports Veterans and our Neighbors at Genesis
LMS Students fostering a partnership with Genesis |
Lakeside's 6th Grade Social Studies Department took
a group of volunteers to the Genesis center to assist them with their King and Queen pageant. Our students were so awesome! They interacted with the residents, escorted the pageant participants to the stage, and even danced with them. We are proud of their enthusiasm and the kindness they displayed during this volunteer activity.
In addition to this event, our 6th graders made Valentine cards for the veterans at the Veteran Hospitals. This was a continuation of our connection with Miss Dottie, who has spent years organizing card drives for our military. Our students also made Valentine door wreaths for the veterans at the Vineland Veterans Home. They were delivered last week. The residents loved them so much that we will be making more for the spring season. These connections have enabled our students to get a taste for volunteerism and they've come to realize that small acts of kindness can really make someone's day brighter.
Mrs. Roche & Mrs. Todd celebrated students who earned a B or higher for the second marking period with a Chic-Fil-A lunch!!! Keep up the good work!!!
Congratulations for your hard work! |
Daily Announcements
Something to think about |
For any student who plans to attend any sporting events at Lakeside: you must leave the school at dismissal and return with a parent or guardian in order to stay and watch any game. You must stay with your parent or guardian and leave promptly after the game. Any student staying after dismissal or arriving without an adult will be removed from the building.
Attention 8th grade students: Is college in your future? Do you try your best in all of your classes and accept challenges? Would you like to join a positive peer group that is academically motivated? If you answered yes, then AVID is for you! We are currently taking applications for AVID 9 at Memorial. You can pick up an application from the main office. All applications must be returned to Mrs. Hallenbeck in the main office by no later than February 28th.
Only ONE week until we glow! The 8th Grade Glow Dance is coming on Friday, February 22 from 6-8. Tickets are $5 and all money and permission slips need to be turned in to Ms. DiMattia in room M107 during homeroom or advisory. You must be in 8th grade, have 100 points, and a ride home by 8 P.M. Sorry but if you're on the restricted list you will be unable to attend. So keep being awesome and come glow with us!
Thank you and our Black History Month fact of the week is: A tailor in New York City, Thomas L. Jennings is credited with being the first African American to hold a U.S. patent. The patent, which was issued in 1821, was for a dry cleaning process. Have a well dressed Week!
Pictures from around the school
Wellness in Schools was a BIG hit! |
Wellness in Schools was a BIG hit! |
Wellness in Schools was a BIG hit! |
Wellness in Schools was a BIG hit! |
Wellness in Schools was a BIG hit! |
Wellness in Schools was a BIG hit! |
Wellness in Schools was a BIG hit! |
Wellness in Schools |
Join us on March 1 and 2 |
The Jr. Bolts are having a great year on the hardwood |
6th graders working with our friends at Genesis! |
6th graders working with our friends at Genesis! |
6th graders working with our friends at Genesis! |
6th graders working with our friends at Genesis! |
6th graders working with our friends at Genesis! |
6th graders working with our friends at Genesis! |
6th graders working with our friends at Genesis! |
King and Queen of the event |
8th graders applying their Math skills |
8th graders applying their Math skills |
8th graders applying their Math skills |
Winner of the Week - Kevin Rivera's Painting was selected to represent Cumberland County at the state Youth Art Month Show in Trenton.
Artwork by Kevin Rivera |
Weekly Overview - For a detailed schedule click here Monday - 2/18/19 - School Closed due to Presidents Day Tuesday - 2/19/19 - A Day - Yearbook Club Photos; Marking Period 1 and 2 Honor Roll Assemblies (4, 6, 9 periods); Boys/Girls Basketball vs. Middle Twp. Wednesday - 2/20/19 - B Day - Boys Basketball vs. Fairfield; Wrestling vs. Ocean City; All City Band, 7:00 PMThursday - 2/21/19 - A Day - SLC Meeting, 3:20 PM Friday - 2/22/19 - B Day - Wrestling vs. William Davies; 8th Grade Dance, 6:00 PM
Published by Spike Cook, Millville, NJ
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