Sunday, September 26, 2021

Lakeside Lightning Round - September 27 - October 1, 2021

Coach JT Burks visited LMS lunches this week 

Lakeside Lightning, 

Grow through what you go through 

Let's start with the positives - Mrs. Eppright 
My house/office has become quiet the bolt factory, I’ve received about 215 “you’ve been struck” submissions. I’d argue that over half of the submissions have been students recognizing staff.  It’s powerful to see the things students notice and are saying about staff.  They truly are always observing us and highlights that we do have the power to change our student's narrative about school, learning, themselves, and the environment they learn in. Despite the challenges thus far, reading these gives me hope that we will overcome these challenging times as long as we keep showing up as educators and supporters. I added some below that I thought were great!

Here is what students are saying about our staff 
  • I saw that the other day that you had helped the new student that is in your math class period 3/4 and helped her get all of the materials and making sure that she knew who was in her classes. I know that it is part of your job but it was very nice of you.
  • Your leadership and helpfulness in Science Class has not gone unseen and the way you help students reach success needs more recognition. Your efforts are what teachers are supposed to do at Lakeside Middle School. Continue the great teaching!
  • You are always in a good mood and always help when people need help. You are very kind to students and other teachers.
  • I noticed how you were being a great teacher and being very to kind to the first period class , though most of us don't listen , I do! so thank you for being kind
  • You have changed me since I was in 5th last year please continue what you helped me with!!
  • I really appreciate the fact that I am in your class! you've given me so much more confidence and self-love.
  • Thank you, Ms., gaunt for giving me a second chance
Start Strong - NJDOE Assessment 
Start Strong testing will take place October 5th-7th.  All students will test on October 5th and 6th and only 6th graders will test on October 7th.  The purpose of this test is to give us baseline data for our students. An official letter giving more information will be sent out later this week.

Pictures from around the school 
Mrs. Turner's science students in the lab

Mrs. Turner's science students in the lab

Mrs. Turner's science students in the lab

Mrs. Turner's science students in the lab

Ms. Lind's star students

Ms. Lind's star students

Ms. Lind's star students

Coach JT Burks visited LMS lunches on Monday and Tuesday 

Coach JT Burks visited LMS lunches on Monday and Tuesday 

Prayer at the Poll 

Wawa donated coffee, donuts and drinks for the staff

Ms. Lind's start students 

Ms. Lind's star students 

Twinning is winning - Great minds dress alike
Ms. Grennon and Mrs. Wheaton 

Stay current with Lakeside Middle School on Social Media:
Twitter - #lmslightning
Facebook – Lakeside Middle School (Official)
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Published by Spike Cook, Principal, Millville

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